Goldie and Morgan Stanley have raised their S&P targets. (Bloomberg)
Paul Vigna: Bernanke better know his role today. (MarketBeat)
Nomura’s Lew Alexander previews the FOMC: “while signs of “irrational exuberance” are evident in some parts of the financial system, signs of a buildup of financial imbalances system wide that is big enough to warrant a preemptive change in monetary policy have yet to emerge…” (FTAlphaville)
Barclays on emerging markets stocks and bonds: “the old correlations between DMs [developed markets] and EMs [emerging markets] are weakening, and have broken altogether in equities where EMs are down this year, while DMs are well up.” (beyondbrics)
Speaking of Barclays, their tech analyst says we’re six months away from a whole new cycle of Apple products and initiatives, here’s their roadmap: (ValueWalk)
The many failures of the personal finance industry (AbnormalReturns)
Anyone using one of these “crap circles” in a presentation needs to be dragged into the forest and assaulted by woodland creatures. (HBR)
Prince Alwaleed is the Steve Jobs of Douchebaggery. (Dealbreaker)
Ben & Jerry’s is out with a limited batch of Cannoli ice cream! Locate it at a store near you with this tool: (Ben&Jerry’s)
The 31 strangest houses around the world. (TheChive)
Don’t miss The Takeaway, my daily linkfest for financial advisors (InvestmentNews)
I’m a New York City-based financial advisor at Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC. I help people invest and manage portfolios for them. For disclosure information please see here.
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