Citi lays out the five conditions necessary for this year’s stock rally to follow through. (TheTell)
Marissa’s top 3 priorities at Yahoo this year: Fixing search, fixing the homepage and fixing mail. And also mobile, and social and all the other things that everyone says. (Wired)
All hail the ETF mega war – we’re winning. (Fortune)
Remember we had a “Pay Czar” during TARP. Wait til you see how hilarious that was: (Reuters)
Even the permabulls are getting nervous – JPMorgan’s Tom Lee says to take a bit of risk off here. (BusinessInsider)
Charlie Gasparino turns 50 and reflects on the secrets of his success. (Dealbreaker)
The Fly spends his day getting educated. (iBankCoin)
My article at Amazon’s Money & Markets page: 10 Business Lessons from the Beatles (Amazon)
People who multi-task, it turns out, are really terrible at multi-tasking. (TheAtlantic)
Trek and the City is the first genius Twitter parody account of the New Year. (Buzzfeed)
Don’t miss The Takeaway, my daily linkfest for financial advisors (InvestmentNews)
If you’re going to be in NYC on February 20th, come check out me, Phil Pearlman, Heidi Moore and Leigh Drogen at our SMW panel on Digital Wall Street! (SocialMediaWeek)
I’m a New York City-based financial advisor at Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC. I help people invest and manage portfolios for them. For disclosure information please see here.
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