Technically, there are a lot of reasons for stocks to at least pause at these levels. (HumbleStudent)
Goldman Sachs: “We reiterate our conviction that equities can be an attractive source of income, both on an absolute basis and relative to credit.” (MarketBeat)
Yelling about economics makes you irrelevant. (Interloper)
Krugman, from the rooftops: “AN ECONOMY IS NOT LIKE A HOUSEHOLD.” (NYT)
So here’s the thing about the active vs passive debate – Indexes ain’t never scared. (ETFTrends)
Bill Kristol has been busy charting the future of the Republican party. (Politico)
CES Is the World’s Greatest Hardware Show Stuck in a Software Era (Wired)
Fraud-busting hedgie and blogger John Hempton on why he put on an Herbalife long position, must-read post. (BronteCapital)
Why Warren Buffett doesn’t short stocks. (GrizzlyRock)
The Library of Congress has now archived every single tweet (170 billion of ’em) sent between 2006 and 2010. That’ll come in handy someday. (Mashable)
One of these two mistakes is more beneficial than the other. (SethsBlog)
Attention gentlemen – How to buy a suit: (MensHealth)
These 8 people couldn’t be happier about that time they got fired. (MentalFloss)
Kate Upton in the January issue of V Magazine upstages Kristen Stewart, who (inexplicably) has the cover. (Styleite)
I’m a New York City-based financial advisor at Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC. I help people invest and manage portfolios for them. For disclosure information please see here.
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