November 2012

Behind that Riveting John McAfee Interview

In case you missed it Friday, CNBC’s Street Signs somehow wrangled an interview with anti-virus software pioneer John McAfee, who is currently on the run from authorities in his adopted home country of Belize. The interview was banoodles, McAfee is wanted for murder and suspicion of meth manufacture and dealing. He insists there’s another agenda…

Three Positive Signs In a Dismal Market

First, let me apologize on behalf of the markets for the fact that the fundamentals began mattering again and no one sent you so much as a text alert or an email. The market tends to do that sometimes. Just when everyone had settled on “the Fed is all that matters” and “Chase for Performance…

Investment Taxes Under the Microscope

Selfishly, and on my high net worth clients’ behalf, I would very much like to see any bipartisan debt deal (or can-kick or keg-stand or whatever they’re now expecting) to leave taxation on investment income – dividends and capital gains – alone. But that’s obviously not going to happen. The current rates of 15% on…

Bernankes: They’re Just Like Us!

Bernanke’s kid is in medical school, well on his way to racking up the customary $400,000 in student debt. The Fed Chief also does his own grocery shopping and gets high off his own supply – Ben’s refinanced his mortgage twice recently. Read more at US Weekly Real Time Economics!