Tim Knight uses Chipotle and others to demonstrate how momentum dies. This is elemental stuff for all traders and investors: (SlopeOfHope)
Today is the 25th anniversary of the beginning of 1987 crash. Jeff Miller was working on the options floor, here he explains to us why comparisons to now are false. (DashOfInsight)
Speaking of ’87, Fightin’ Joe Donahue is reminded of the cardinal rule of trading: Always Buy Crashes. (UpsideTrader)
OK, last 1987 link, I swear – Ritholtz collects the best charts and original articles and TV coverage from that day. (TBP)
Vanguard’s Jack Bogle: Get out of the Casino. (MarketWatch)
Turns out Greg Smith had been turned down for a ludicrous raise demand before writing his fruity little Why I Left Goldman book. (BusinessWeek)
…and also, his book’s account of seeing Lloyd Blankfein naked might be a bit desperate. And weird. (WSJ)
I’m a New York City-based financial advisor at Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC. I help people invest and manage portfolios for them. For disclosure information please see here.
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