Peter Brandt: “if you read just one blog I write all year, let this be the one” (Factor)
Hedge fund redemptions more than triple in October. Booyah! (hedgeweek)
Robert Sinn: “Mental Stops are Bullsh*t” (StockSage)
Hugh Hendry’s anti-China fund up 52% this year. Gangsta. (ZeroHedge)
Y’all welcome my boy Julian to the StockTwits Blog Network. (TheBasisPoint)
Fightin’ Joe Donahue on the Verzion-for-Netflix rumors. (UpsideTrader)
Barry: Even the Congressional insider trading “legislation” is a scam. (TBP)
So here’s the deal – corporations are allowed (encouraged!) to walk away from bad debt and underwater property anytime they like, but for regular people that would just be downright immoral. Got it? (NewYorker)
Google keeps making higher lows and the long-term chart looks great. (DowntownTrader)
One fifth of S&P 500 stocks have an NR7 day. Know what that means? I didn’t either… (TradeWithPete)
Watching the LIBOR rate as a signal for the bull market’s resumption. (AllStarCharts)
US Economic Data is Surprising Forecasters. (Bloomberg)
Don’t miss my daily linkfest for financial advisors this morning! (WSJFA)
I’m a New York City-based financial advisor at Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC. I help people invest and manage portfolios for them. For disclosure information please see here.
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