June 2009

TrimTabs: Bond Funds Over Stock Funds

Investment Flows While bond funds posted an estimated inflow of $16.1 billion on the first nine trading days of June, all equity funds posted an estimated outflow of $2.1 billion. Source: TrimTabs.com According to the TrimTabs Weekly Liquidity Report, investors continue to favor bond funds over equity funds with $16.1 billion headed to fixed income…

NY Post: Hedge Fund Turnaround Cheat Sheet

Your average passively-managed 401k account probably saw anywhere from 20 to 40% returns since February and is most likely flat to modestly positive on the year.  People close to retirement are not throwing a parade just yet, but still, things have obviously gotten…umm…less grim. How have the Masters of the Universe done, though? The New…

Cam'ron's "I Hate My Job" – The Hip Hop Recession Anthem

[vodpod id=Groupvideo.2728662&w=425&h=350&fv=] The Hip Hop genre of music is known for many of it’s more negative idiosyncrasies, but one of it’s more positive aspects is how aspirational the artists are.  The top MCs in the game have historically been those who’ve emphasized their hustle. Hip Hop music has basically become the official soundtrack for those…

Dodd-Watch: Peter Schiff Needs to Commit for CT's Sake

[vodpod id=Groupvideo.2723133&w=425&h=350&fv=autoplay%3Dfalse] Gail Collins wrote a balanced watered-down Op-Ed in the New York Times yesterday about how busy Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd‘s been over the last year, sponsoring basically every bill that comes before the Senate.  Yes, you always want to look busy in the workplace to cover up ineptitude. Collins works in Dodd’s incredibly…

UBS: "Selling Tax Evasion as a Service"

From Bloomberg: Under threat of prosecution, UBS in February agreed to turn over about 250 names of Americans suspected of tax fraud. We’ve discussed this matter on TRB before, but frankly the longer this thing festers, the more it’s gonna piss me off. UBS has this enormous “Wealth Management” business here in the US and…

Barron's Mid-Year Roundtable and January Picks Report Card Up

I don’t look forward to much in the world of newspaperage, but I love me some Barron’s Roundtable. Before posting a link to both the mid-year feature from this weekend as well as the report card from the 12 panelists’ January 2009 trading ideas, I’d like to print a phrase that has probably never been…

Hot Links: Ron Paul, Evan Newmark, Fixing CNBC & The Yellow Lobster

Hot Links for Weekend Reading… Let’s start off with Dealbreaker‘s call for submissions: What should the New York Stock Exchange’s tagline be?  The message board was hopping with funny stuff. The Epicurean Dealmaker posted a viscious takedown of former Goldman Sachs I-Banker turned WSJ columnist Evan Newmark and his recent musings on regulating Wall Street…

Market Recap: The New Beasts

The Reformed Broker, AKA Daddy Warbucks, here with today’s Market Recap… I thought I’d skip the averages today in favor of showing three charts of The New Beasts.  From every bear market, a set of new leaders emerges, often, these are stocks that had nothing to do with the prior bull market. My highlighting of…

The Big Con

There’s a scene in the movie Die Hard with a Vengeance where John McClane (Bruce Willis) finally catches on to the fact that the bomb-scare scavenger hunt he and the NYPD have been sent on is only a distraction, a ruse to cover up the real crime – a heist of the Federal Reserve‘s gold bullion…