Market Volatility as Election Predictor

I love the fact that mathematics is putting traditional pollster bullshit out of the job during this election cycle. Witness the hatred of Nate Silver’s data-driven work for the Times and FiveThirtyEight. Here’s another stat worth considering via Bloomberg: Swings in U.S. stocks have shrunk to the lowest level in six years, an indicator that…

Romney Pulls the NY Daily News, Obama Grabs the FT

So far, Mitt Romney has managed to get eleven major newspapers who endorsed Obama in 2008 to swing over to the Red Team this season. According to Breitbart, they are: The New York Daily News; Long Island Newsday; Houston Chronicle; Fort Worth Star-Telegram; Orlando Sentinel; Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel; Nashville Tennessean; Des Moines Register; Illinois Daily…

The Silver Lining

Ask me to admit my biggest flaw as a human being and I’ll freely admit that it’s a lack of patience that gets worse with every passing year. Mostly, it manifests itself as a spoiled brattiness borne of my entitled upper-middle class upbringing and worsened by a career spent in the irritable bowels of Wall…


It was with great consternation that I managed this morning’s Barron’s cover story on the “Top 25 Dividend Funds” this morning. Quite the SEO-friendly title, this sort of story is exactly the kind that hits the cover right when everyone’s already in. Indeed, we learn in paragraph two that “Assets in equity-income funds have more…