Investment Taxes Under the Microscope

Selfishly, and on my high net worth clients’ behalf, I would very much like to see any bipartisan debt deal (or can-kick or keg-stand or whatever they’re now expecting) to leave taxation on investment income – dividends and capital gains – alone. But that’s obviously not going to happen. The current rates of 15% on…

Bernankes: They’re Just Like Us!

Bernanke’s kid is in medical school, well on his way to racking up the customary $400,000 in student debt. The Fed Chief also does his own grocery shopping and gets high off his own supply – Ben’s refinanced his mortgage twice recently. Read more at US Weekly Real Time Economics!

QOTD: Bernanke on Homeownership

I hope he delivered this line, from his speech today at the Center for Financial Dignity in Atlanta, in the unflappable deadpan of a young Chevy Chase: “One lesson of the past few years is that the desire to own a home is not enough.” LOL, yes also a job would be good, and not…