Market Recon: 1/31/2013

Stephen J. Guilfoyle “Sarge” was previously the U.S. Economist at Meridian Equity Partners from 2007 following a long career at Credit Suisse. Stephen has worked on the trading floor of the NYSE continuously since July 1987 and actively serves as a Sergeant in the National Guard. *** Good Morning, What a splice in time we…

You can’t have it both ways.

The same people who’ve spent three years growling about low volume and lack of participation being bearish are now saying that the reversal of that is also bearish. You can’t have it both ways. The argument was that no one is in this market except central banks and hedge funds, there are no real investors… Defying Logic and Physics Since 1997

Can you touch a rainbow? Can you caress a distant voice carried on the wind from long ago? Can you possess the morning dew or hold dominion over all the chittering woodland creatures in your midst? You cannot. Nor can you analyze… Another LOLworthy quarter from the company, driving any and all “clasically trained”…

morning thoughts

It’s not funny anymore, it’s now passed into the realm of cruelty. What began as a prank on the bears, especially those who “went to cash” or got short ahead of the fiscal cliff, is now basically bullying. It’s like watching a kid being held down in the mud, his arm twisted behind his back….

Business Lessons from the Beatles

50 years ago this March, the Beatles released their debut album, Please Please Me.  Most people are wholly unaware of the struggle that preceded this momentous event nor do they realize how rich the band’s story is in terms of both shrewdness and folly in business. I’ve put together what I believe to be the…