The Sunk Cost Fallacy

How many things are you doing in your life simply because you’ve already devoted so much time, energy or money to them so far? I stayed on the brokerage side of my industry even though the inherent toxicity of the business model had become apparent to me years ago. It was all I knew and…

Death by Twitter

Are you new here? If so, you may have missed five or so years of predictions regarding the eventual sublimation of traditional sell-side research.  What once was a solid, tangible thing that mattered – morning notes, professional color, earnings estimates and so on – has been slipping into the aether of unimportance for quite some…

Mistaking Your Time Frame for Someone Else’s

Of all the errors I’ve personally committed in my career and continue to see others fall victim to, mistaking one’s own time frame for someone else’s is perhaps the most frequent. Everyone does it. Barry Ritholtz’s column at the Washington Post this weekend covers the topic, and includes this helpful breakdown: Consider these various time…

Bloomberg on The Business of Beatlemania

This month marks the 50th anniversary of The Beatles’ first album, ‘Please Please Me’. A few weeks back I had written 10 Business Lessons from the Beatles over at Amazon’s Money & Markets blog to commemorate the occasion and the amount of email I received was overwhelming. Something about this band and its legacy simply…

“If you don’t like someone’s story, write your own.”

“If you don’t like someone’s story, write your own.” – Chinua Achebe Literary giant and educator Chinua Achebe passed away on Thursday at age 82. I read Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart back-to-back with Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness sometime during the last decade. These were the kind of books they were supposed to have…

Throwback Threats

“History never looks like history when you are living through it.” – John W. Gardner “Il n’est pas certain que tout soit incertain.” (It is not certain that everything is uncertain.) – Blaise Pascal Do you think your time in these markets is so very much different than anyone else’s? Do you think the headlines…