Buying Umbrellas After the Storm

Investors have been telling their advisors that they must have protection from the next 2008-type scenario every day since, well, 2008. And of course, this demand is not unreasonable – no one wants to see their retirement portfolio cut in half again for the third time in fifteen years. So as a result, tactical mutual…

This Week on TRB

Here were the most read posts on TRB this week, in case you missed them: I went to cash because (please check one): “Bernanke is nothing if not a patient lover” September Peak? “as long as they spell your name right”  Here We Go! image source: Lake Wakatipu, New Zealand (National Geographic)  

Tomorrow’s Narrative Today

Here’s what you’ll likely hear this weekend in the financial press and from the chief strategist types throughout the coming week: Janet Yellen wrote the Fed’s statement this week and called the shots on the decision, Bernanke merely blessed it. He knows it’s her getting his gig next and the transition’s already begun. Brian Wesbury…

Apple’s Market Share vs Usage Stats

This is an interesting detail about Apple’s iOS – what it lacks in market share it more than compensates for in mobile usage percentage. Tim Cook makes this point frequently, and it’s an important one. From the recent BusinessWeek profile of Apple execs: People may buy Android devices, but the ones they actually use have…

by the way…

In case you missed it: 6 things you need to know about Janet Yellen  (Salon) You weigh in: What’s on your investment blacklist? On mine, you’ll find SPACs and private placements of every kind. (Morningstar) h/t Tadas Buffett ♥’s Bernanke  (DealBook) Apple started selling out of the iPhone 5S in China on the first day.  (AMOG)…

Chart o’ the Day: Bespoke on the Post-Fed Rally

My friends Justin and Paul at the Notorious B.I.G. always have an interesting take on the events of the day. This morning they note that a majority of yesterday’s post-Fed announcement stock gains occurred in a matter of seconds – meaning there wasn’t much time to have gotten rightly positioned for those who were playing…

“Bernanke is nothing if not a patient lover”

The bottom line is that the current zero interest rate policy (ZIRP) and the various quantitative easings will be dismantled and undone as slowly and deliberately as they were put on. We’ll not be thrown down face-first atop a wooden table, ravished and thrusted upon by coarse soldiers as a sentry guards the door. No, after…