How George Clooney Uses Twitter

Just kidding, he doesn’t. via Esquire: As might be expected, he does not like Twitter. More to the point, he does not approve of Twitter, especially for a certain segment of the population. “If you’re famous, I don’t—for the life of me—I don’t understand why any famous person would ever be on Twitter. Why on God’s green…

Stop it.

via DealBook: Sunday was a bad day for Fantex, the fledgling company promoting initial public offerings of National Football League stars. First, media reports surfaced that Fantex’s first I.P.O. prospect, the Houston Texans running back Arian Foster, is expected to have back surgery that will end his season. Then, the company’s second client, the San…

The War to End All Wars

If only this were so. Veterans Day came about on the heels of one of the grisliest military engagements in human history… World War I – known at the time as “The Great War” – officially ended when the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, in the Palace of Versailles outside the…

Lesson: Don’t Fight the Global Fed

Why did the markets begin to go up in 2012 and never come down? Why was 2013 one of the best years for stocks on record? Investors re-learned the lesson of not only not fighting the Fed, but also not fighting the Global Fed. That’s right, we’re all connected now. In September 2012, the Bank…

I Am The One Who Blogs: TRB Turns Five

The Reformed Broker blog turns five years old today. I’m actually not exactly sure which day in November of 2008 was my exact first day ( think it’s the tenth) and I forgot what my first post was about. I’ve written more than 8,000 posts here since then, I can’t say I remember each of them…

Chilling Signs of a Market Top

As one of the original wise men of the financial blogosphere, David Merkel has always been a crucial read for me. In 2004, he had done a magnificent piece on the fundamentals of market tops for’s Real Money pay site. Thankfully, Barry excerpted the post for The Big Picture back in 2006 so it…