Twitter Twearnings Tweave Twuch Two Twe Twesired

Sorry. Anyway… Consider this a dispatch from the Death of Momentum™ , now playing out across trading screens all over the world as reality catches up to expectations, while expectations catch up to valuations. Today’s episode: The Death of Twitter meme, which you will no doubt be reading about (and, ironically, tweeting about, throughout the rest…

Lost in Translation?

The Oriental Daily is a Hong Kong newspaper with about 1.7 million daily readers and a circulation of 530,000. I was recently profiled for an article they did about well-known financial bloggers in the US. The trouble is, their website doesn’t have an English version so I can’t figure out if I come off well…

America is All In

American households are pretty damn near fully invested at this point. They chose to really ramp up exposure after the big gains were made – but of course we know that’s how it will always be. Here’s BlackRock’s chief strategist Russ Koesterich at ETFdb: According to the Fed’s data, the share of household financial assets…

9 Rules of Risk Management

This is a list of risk rules posted on the office wall of a senior investment bank risk manager, sent in from a reader. I really liked it a lot, it has broad applications for all of us. – JB   1.       There is no return without risk Rewards go to those who take risk 2.       Be…

The IA 25 for 2014

I’m truly honored to have been named to Investment Advisor magazine’s 25 most influential people for 2014. As my friend Howard Lindzon once told me, being on a list is only meaningful if you respect the other people on it. In this case, I’m flattered to be listed alongside Michael Kitces, Tom Nally, Mary Jo…

RIP Record Profit Margins

The bear case is that profit margins for the S&P 500 – now pushing almost 10% – cannot possibly be sustained, let alone expand from here. And thus, the logic goes, falling profit margins cannot possibly be good for stocks. Unless they’re falling because companies are paying workers more and economic activity picks up to…