Links, y’all.
A Debate I Hope To Lose
Some good mixed with my bad from James Altucher.
American Personal Bankruptcy Stats Illustrated
Going BK in the USA
Is It Me, Or Does Every Hedge Fund Love B of A and Citi?
A hedge fund infatuation with two of America’s most damaged banks.
Hot Links: Ira Sohn Ideas, Mining Boom & the Four Digit Dow
Come and get ’em!
Plan Z: Let's Give This One a Shot
Good luck, BP!
Insider Trading Busts are the Corporate World's Darwin Awards
A Disney employee is busted and may possibly have a sub-85 IQ.
Hot Links: Hot Zeros
Links for boys and girls of all ages to enjoy.
Recipe For a Rally?
Barney’s comments spark a rally. Strange confluence of conditions.
Baseline on Ballmer
An exquisitely painful waterboarding of Microsoft’s CEO.