The CEO on why comics love tweeting, whether or not he’ll sell the company and the new zero-tolerance policy for Fail Whales.
Bruce Berkowitz and the Magic Press Release
Bruce Berkowitz is a beast. This week the “Mutual Fund Manager of the Decade” put out a press release thanking the government and its civil employees for helping his Fairholme Funds to destroy the S&P 500.
Friday Hot Links: Astounding Forecasts
Links for a Friday evening.
it's a small world, big caps are just living in it
The little guys continued getting the job done throughout 2010…
Financial Blogging Secrets: Aesthetics
How your blog looks is more important than you think. These are the secrets.
Inside the Reverse Convertible Swamp
I rarely make sweeping generalizations about any type of product but I’ll tell you right now that these things are garbage. All of ’em.
December NFP
This is a biggie. The stock market is already counting these chickens so the bulls better hope they hatch.
3 New Years Resolutions for Financial Advisors (WSJ)
Guest Post: Dynamic Hedge on How the Sausage is Made
This is so great and if you put it in front of any Street pro, they’ll simply nod and chuckle to themselves no matter how much they manage or how long they’ve been trading.
Lunchtime Diversion: Go Fiddler, Go Fiddler