Searching for trends in the 2010 Census data.
When Transparency Hurts Investors
Secrecy is a strategic advantage that mutual funds have over their ETF counterparts in certain categories.
Hot Links: Dueling Analysts
Monday links, come and get ’em.
Here Come the Price Hikes
Higher agricultural commodity costs are finding their way into animal proteins. Right on schedule.
Punk Rock Infograph
Why Do Traders Retweet Each Other So Much?
There’s a deeply-rooted reason for this that sets us apart.
The Myth of the Investment Banking Cartel
The latest posts from James Altucher and The Epicurean Dealmaker make for a brilliant match set of investment banker lampooning.
Saturday Night Video: Swanson Pyramid of Greatness
SEC Recommends Uniform Standard of Care
There are so many caveats in this report that it’s almost anti-climactic after six months of expectation and debate.
Short-Sellers vs the Chinese Reverse Merger Scam
This onslaught of Chinese reverse merger companies represents the single biggest white collar crime wave in existence right now.