Morning financial links, come and get ’em!
Dear Josh: The Euro Voting Process Explained
“I’ve noticed that every morning there is a new development in the unfolding Euro crisis but it seems that you and other commentators have gotten lazy about actually explaining what these new wrinkles actually mean. “
Media: A Catalyst for Goldman and Morgan? (no.)
Visa Testing the "Never Sell at 90 Rule"
One of the first things you learn when you become a trader is that stocks that break above 90 per share usually go to 100, a ten percent how-you-doing that you get just for sticking around.
Busy like a Bee
Quick update.
Hot Links: The Basics
Morning money linkage, enjoy!
Bonds Say 60% Chance of Recession
There’s an old saying on The Street that when bonds and stocks disagree, the bonds are probably right. What is the bond market telling us now?
Market Reports! (Reprise)
So many headlines, so little value.
Hot Links: Stunning Reversal
Your morning linkfest, expertly curated.
Media: Talking Bear Market Rallies on Fast Money