MF Global Files for Bankruptcy
Welcome to the Moral Hazard Olympics Fall Games 2011, wherein some people simply never learn their lesson.
Hot Links: Plagues and Surrender
Your morning linkfest, expertly curated.
Best. Nike. Commercial. Ever.
(or an IPO for the Ages)
Fred Hickey: Why I'm Buying Nokia, EMC and Microsoft
Ten Scariest Wall Street Halloween Costumes 2011
Its that time of year again… As we speak, your neighborhood freak is busy shoving rusty screws into the Milky Way bars, teen boys are stocking up on eggs and toilet paper and teen girls are shopping for either a slutty nurse, slutty devil, slutty maid, or slutty marketing executive costume. That’s right! Halloween is…
Washington D.C. is the 1%
Corzine Goes Old School, MF Shareholders Buried
What the returning Jon Corzine didn’t understand was that the 1982-2000 bull market – his native habitat as it were – has long been over; it would not be there to backstop foolish bets as it had been during his original “accumulation period.”
Santoli: The Rally That Displeased Everyone
Mr. Market is up to his old tricks again, frustrating the largest amount of people