So, no, we don’t hate the rich. What we hate are the predators.
These Are the Good Old Days
It’s about the struggle. It’s always about the struggle.
We may be getting our Santa Claus Rally right before the holiday after all!
Wall Street's Dour Christmas Parties
Yeah, for some reason, it’s not quite as “festive” when you’re laying off between 2 and 10% of your workforce each year and nobody knows what the business model might look like in a year from now.
"So What's the Trade?"
There’s no trade on this news, let it go. It’s a footnote, a meaningless piece of trivia. Move on.
Fractals and Time Frames
I believe in the cyclical nature of markets and mean reversion. Markets always mean revert over time. The question is what time frame?
Hot Links: King of Beers
Your morning financial links, expertly curated.
World Gasps as Bank of America Trades Below 5
Here we go again.
The Dark Knight (Trailer)
Time in a Bottle
Time was cheap, there was an endless supply and it never seemed to go by fast enough.