Some recent posts you may have missed…
Robert Sinn: Respect the Stream, Act Right.
Throwback: Wings of the Morning (1995)
Memo to Lyle LaMothe: The Die is Cast
Bigger was never better, it just looked like it was.
Hot Links: Goodbye Gary
Your morning financial links, expertly curated.
Crooked Timber's Greece Post: YOU Fix It!
“Welcome to Choose Your Own Troika Program For Greece!”
Bloomberg Portfolio Mashup Notes: Alternatives, Investor Behavior, Top-Down or Bottom-Up
Notes from the afternoon session…
Bloomberg Portfolio Mashup Notes: Emerging Markets & China
Hello from the Bloomberg Portfolio Manager Mashup in NYC! Below are my unedited notes from this morning’s sessions on emerging markets and China investing… Panel:Emerging Markets Old and New Peter Chiappinelli, Portfolio Strategist, Asset Allocation, Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo & Co. (GMO) Joseph H. Davis, Principal and Chief Economist, The Vanguard Group, Inc. Bernard R….
Bloomberg Portfolio Manager Mash-Up Conference
Emerging Markets in focus at a conference today…
Hot Links: Back to Reality
Your morning financial links, expertly curated.