Godspeed, Robin Gibb
Sell-Side Research: Like Trees Falling in the Forest
There’s a 3000-word article in the New York Times that asks whether or not trading within a firm based on a soon-to-be-announced analyst ratings change on a stock constitutes inside information.
Married Men and Money Management
I’ve been watching this same exact excitement-daring-defeat-hopelessness cycle play out for years and years, I once branch-managed a room full of these guys (you have no idea).
Lazy Sunday 2
The Social Media Vortex
“If I have a choice of investing in a blockbuster cancer drug that will pay me nothing for ten years, at best, whereas social media will go big in two years, what do you think I’m going to pick?”
Saturday Night Video: The D is Back!
Ray Dalio: Live at Budokan
The Westport, Conn.-based company is the world’s largest hedge-fund firm and one of just a handful of players to place more than one fund on Barron’s annual Top 100 Hedge Funds ranking.
Gilbert Gottfried Erotically Narrates Fifty Shades of Grey
The Muppets are Pissed
“I’m very psychic when it comes to stocks, I really am,”