The Museum of the City of New York is hosting a panel discussion to kick of their new exhibit about the history of financial business in NYC. The truth is, Wall Street has no choice but to reinvent itself and there are no shortages of initiaves it can take to do so. I’ll be on…
State of the ETP Business
U.S. investors added $4.82 to exchange-traded products last year for every $1 they deposited with mutual funds.
Neil Gaiman Lays Down a Legendary Commencement Speech
There are forces at work here that many do not respect…
It is okay to admit when you don’t have an edge. It is okay to say that you simply have no idea what’s happening next. It is okay to sit out the possibility of an oversold bounce or a big snapback rally. It is okay to shut down the trading software and shut your mouth….
Marc Faber and Jeremy Siegel Agree: Buy Stocks
Odds and Ends
Links and stuff.
George Soros Live at Budokan
George Soros delivered this speech underscoring his reflexivity philosophy, laying out the case for Europe only having three months to live and excoriating the Germans.
Michael Martin Interviews Jack Schwager (Hedge Fund Wizards)
Wes Anderson Bingo
“One approach to getting unstuck is the clean sheet of paper. Dictate that the speech before flight is going to change, that the menu will be redone, that the qualifications are going to start over, from zero.”