Lessons learned 10 years after the financial crisis from CNBC.
Seek wealth, not money or status
“The difference between a rich man and a poor man is their states of mind.”
Clips From Today’s Halftime Report
Time to buy the rails? What about telecom? #AskHalftime from CNBC.
May the odds be ever in your favor
“A positive Jan-Feb has historically led to a positive year 87% of the time since 1928 and an average +16.8% total return”
This Week on TRB
These were the most read posts on the site this week, in case you missed it:
Clips From Today’s Halftime Report
Does UnitedHealth look good here? Why isn’t Workday bouncing on earnings? Your questions answered from CNBC.
Just Remember, There’s Only One Thing That Matters in Investing
Great advice from a Wall Street strategist for all investors and young Wall Street professionals
Clips From Today’s Halftime Report
Is now the time to buy Rio Tinto? How does Abbvie look here? The desk answers your questions from CNBC.
Investing a lump sum
Some interesting information about how often investing a lump sum beats out using a dollar cost averaging approach.
All the Warren Buffett CNBC clips from today
Here’s the new annual letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders that came out over the weekend. Below, we collected all the clips of Warren Buffett’s CNBC appearance this morning. He discusses the letter, the state of the markets and lots of other stuff with Becky Quick et al. Watch below: How Warren Buffett approaches writing Berkshire…