Ever read a blog post so surgical and truthful and invasive in it’s rhetoric that you can literally hear the writer’s voice in your head as you progress through the piece?
The End of the Easiness
You can put together as many lists of stocks and themes as you want, but overshadowing all of your investment theses will be the simple fact that in 2010 we’re going to see the End of the Easiness (apologies to Don Henley).
America, Homogenized
Street after street, town after town, state after state, everything’s starting to look the same.
Soundgarden Reuniting – You Heard It First On Twitter
Chris Cornell uses his Twitter page to announce the reformation of Soundgarden…and all will be right with the world.
How To Say Recovery In Australian: Keynes?
Was the Australian stimulus plan and subsequent recover a victory for Keynesian economics?
How Prices Have Changed Since 1999
1999 prices versus today’s for everything from Air Jordans to an ounce of gold.
Gillespie: China Will Pull a Japan So Stop Worrying
Nick Gillespie on the whole “China Owns Us” thing…
Drop Dead Gorgeous Pics of New Years Eve Around the World
New Years Photos from Celebrations Around the World.
A Financial Blogger's New Years Resolutions
Here’s a list of resolutions I’ve made as a financial blogger for 2010. I hope that by sticking to them, I can do a better job for you, dear reader…
Pondering the Big Market Call of the Next Decade…
Eight Areas With Potential To Hold Big Opportunity For The Coming Decade