Yesterday I linked to a Daniel Gross post on Slate that deals with some of the positive ways to look at the deficit issue that has taken the national spotlight of late.’ Sharp-as-a-tack reader Michael Kurilla offered up a great counterpoint to Gross’s positivity and I thought it important enough to pass on below… Daniel Gross…
Natural Gas Trucking Takes Another Step Forward
Potential congressional vote next week on elements of the Pickens Plan.
Consumer Gloom, Small Biz Misery
Public company executives are enjoying their Recovery, borrowing for free, hoarding their cash and compensating themselves as if the sun is about to explode. This as the rest of the country looks on in slack-jawed amazement and utter befuddlement.
Chicken / Egg Mystery Solved
An enigma solved.
Dan Gross: When Deficits are a Good Sign
Can growth pull us out of the deficit spiral?
Steinbrenner Links
Rest In Peace, George. Yanks for the memories.
How Bad is the US Economy? We're Having State vs State Bum Fights
No beauty queens here.
Financial Reform and Disturbing the River of Money
In the end, public angst is bad for business – for both Wall Street and Washington. Go ask Capone and Nitti.
Mish's 10 Ways To Create Jobs
Startups and small business need some love if we’re ever going to fix employment.
Similar Times at Ridgemont High
The last time finding and keeping jobs was this difficult for the mall set, it was 1982.