Had you simply focused on the health and wealth of the consumer, you’d have gotten things mostly right.
How Young Investors Should Think About Yield Curves and Recessions
I’ll make this very simple – if you have decades of saving and investing ahead of you, the best thing that could happen is a stock market that goes nowhere
What if the cost of capital never rises? Ben Carlson on The Compound
Wait a while longer…it will get dumber
I picture Larry Kudlow waking up to a dozen or so texts from his friends in the business and investing community like “LARRY WTF? MEXICO TARIFFS? IS HE AN IDIOT??? WTF R U GUYS DOING?” And then poor Larry having to check Twitter to find out that his boss, the President of the United States,…
The Fed’s Third Mandate is to Reelect President Trump
Every President wants low interest rates, Trump is not unique in wanting to see stimulus and rapid economic growth.
Manhattan Residential RE Wrecked
I’m going to whine again about the lack of the SALT deduction…
Everything that happens in one minute on the Internet (2019)
How to follow the economy
my guest on this episode of Talk Your Book is storied Wall Street strategist Tony Dwyer
The Giant Beast That is the Global Economy
My MSNBC hit on why stopping buybacks won’t work