Michael makes a point about finding the right book at the right time in our lives, and for me, finding Nick’s writing ten years ago was exactly what I needed.
Career/Lifestyle Advice
Ritholtz Infinity War
seeing all the Avengers assembled in one place absolutely blew my mind.
You couldn’t dream up a sicker lineup if you tried
As promised, we just unveiled the draft agenda for this September’s Wealth/Stack conference and it’s absolutely jaw-dropping. Some of the biggest hitters in the wealth management space are speaking live over the course of our two and a half day advisor conference. We have industry giants like Joe Duran (United Capital), Steve Lockshin (Advice Period),…
Warren Buffett makes a surprise appearance at women’s investing conference
Warren Buffett makes a surprise appearance at a women’s investing conference in Omaha this weekend.
Big and Slowing or Small and Growing
Twenty percent annual revenue growth ought to be the floor for an RIA.
Wu-Tang + NYSE Forever
Investing in the Real World – Not a Backtest!
This scenario is just one of a million things that happens to investors in the real world
This is what our system is designed to do.
My Big Talk on Disruption and Financial Advice
Watch it now!
Alive & Well
Getting to a place where you can be thankful to be alive and well, and still focused enough on the ways in which things can get better, is a good thing.