
Are Treasurys Double-Bottoming?

Chartered Market Technician Chris Burba brings up an interesting possibility today in the below chart of 10-year treasury bond futures – could we be witnessing a double-bottom for bonds? And if so, what are the implications? (click to embiggen!) Source: @ChrisBurbaCMT

The New York Yankees have a $100 million disabled list, LOL

Major League Baseball is your Libertarian Paradise come to life – rule by might and by the power to accumulate dollars faster than all rivals. I’m a Yankee fan and even I’m turned off from the sport. To get me back, they’d need to shrink the season to 100 games, shrink the game length to…

Lying with Charts

I don’t link to or post those masturbatory charts that overlay one disparate market or index atop another anymore. I’ve always found them to be bullshit and they have usually been used in an attempt to call a market top or to frighten people into thinking they’re stumbling into a horrific situation they’ve already been…