CDE was one of the most heartbreaking failed breakouts of my career.
Joshua M Brown
RenRen and Skimpy Financials
In honor of Renren’s debut, I’m bringing back two important posts on Chinese IPOs…
They're Feelin' Me in Spain
I love stuff like this, so cool to find out that people in Italy, Portugal and now Spain are reading my stuff.
Kenny: Shorting the Open
My Tweet Stream
oh yeah, that citigroup reverse split is this week…
Just realized that Citigroup’s reverse split is this week.
Lollapalooza 2011 Lineup Announced
Lollapalooza 2011 will be held at Grant’s Park in Chitown on August 5th and 6th.
World Population Estimates Revised Upward
Since I’m a long-term bull on both Frontier Markets and Agriculture, I collect little tidbits and stats about global demographics and population growth.
April ADP: +179,000
Private employers added 179,000 jobs in April, while payrolls for March were revised up modestly…
Hot Links: The Treasury Flip-Flop
The best little linkfest this side of the Hudson River.