Joshua M Brown
Druckenmiller – Spending Cuts Are Worth Risking Technical Default
Druckenmiller would prefer a technical default now, as painful as that might be, if it meant that we would really clean house on entitlement spending and fiscal recklessness.
Kenny: Everything Needs to Revolve Around Me
The Safety Trade Worked All Week
Capital flows to where it’s treated best. This week, it flowed into safer names.
Tetris: Ecstasy of Order
about that debt ceiling…
The Cost of Everything 2011 vs 2010
Two Approaches to China – the Carol Bartz and the Bob Dylan
There are two approaches to “doing business” in and with China.
I Shot Bin Laden!
Cramer's NYT Magazine Profile
New York Times Magazine has a five digital page profile about Cramer in the aftermath of that Jon Stewart ambush.