If by some fluke this went to court and the these banks were forced to pay it, they’d all fail – one after another like dominoes.
Joshua M Brown
about that hurricane coverage…
The Best of TRB: August 2011
In case you missed it, some of my best stuff from the month of August 2011.
Friday Night Fights: The FHFA Sues Everyone
This was a doozy, dropped on the markets at the end of the day Friday…
Chasing Madoff (Trailer)
Chart o' the Day: Our Bifurcated Economy in One Graph
What is Mark Zandi Running For?
Here’s the deal with punditry, once you have “one of those names”, it no longer matters whether or not you’re ever right – you continue to get headlines and booked on shows simply because you’re “a name”.
No Hay Trabajo Aquí
This morning’s August employment report was stunning in its dreariness.
Throw Away the Stats, Americans Say "Recession"
Good Morning, official statisticians and GDP bean-counters. I’m sorry to inform you that your services will no longer be necessary for the balance of the year.
The Big Picture Conference – Discounted Tickets
Don’t forget – The Big Picture Conference is October 11th in NYC!