Wall Street Journal, August 2013: Wall Street Journal, August 2014: Keep playing, let me know how this works out for you.
Joshua M Brown
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Humans Need Not Apply
Thirty Second Course on Asset Allocation
If I only had thirty seconds to teach a young person about asset allocation, I probably wouldn’t bother with anything written. I’d also dispense with any sort of formula, equation or model. Instead, I’d come armed with just one chart and force my erstwhile pupil to spend the entire half-minute staring at it. That chart…
“Millennials Don’t Care About Money”
The New York Times is out with its latest catch-all piece on how strange and different the millennial mindset is from the rest of the nation. I straddle the fence between Gen X and the millennials; born in ’77, I have way more in common with the millennials than with the “slackers” and Gen Xers who were…
When “Process” Meets the Real World
It’s something that the pastor don’t preach It’s something that a teacher can’t teach – Kanye West, ‘No Church in the Wild’ I met with a money manager earlier this year who walked my colleagues and I through his firm’s investing process, which was a trading scheme based on a combination of 19 different technical analysis metrics. The…
The Age of Meh
Netflix, iPhones, Spotify, Facebook, Twitter, Frozen, Candy Crush, Pinterest, iPads, Breaking Bad, a new Marvel Superhero film every 6 months, Kate Upton’s rack, in-flight WiFi, The Book of Mormon, America contends for the World Cup, a black guy is President, a woman runs the Federal Reserve, Elon Musk is a real-life Tony Stark, gay marriage legalized, weed…
This Week on TRB
Genie. You’re free. pic.twitter.com/FWQWPDPP42 — Evan Rachel Wood (@evanrachelwood) August 11, 2014 These were the most read posts on TRB this week, in case you missed them: Chart o’ the Day: Only a Quarter of Funds Beat the Market this Year When stocks go _____, bonds go _____ With bulls like these, who needs bears?…
Gartner’s Emerging Tech “Hype Cycle” Chart
This is pretty cool, and it comes attached to a key report on where we are in enthusiasm for emerging technologies… So we’re disillusioned with both virtual reality and near-field communication (NFC) while The Internet Of Things has never been more hyped up. Got it. More here: Gartner’s 2014 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies…
Chart o’ the Day: S&P 500 current vs historical valuation
The below snapshot of today’s S&P 500 valuation on sixteen metrics comes to us from Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s August 2014 RIC Report. US large cap stocks are currently at or above their historic valuation on nine of sixteen popular metrics. Source: The RIC in Pictures, August 2014 Bank of America Merrill Lynch –…