Coronado is an island divided. On the one hand, it’s a historic seaside resort town – all spanish-style rooftops and turn-of-the-century Queen Anne-accented architectural flourishes. On the other hand, it’s a Naval base and the centerpiece of an eight-installation military presence spanning the coast of SoCal. Tourists frolic in the Pacific ocean as heavy-duty aircraft criss-cross…
Joshua M Brown
Higher Income Earners Got Better Investing Advice
The Wall Street Journal has a fascinating story up today about how only the top ten income-earning households were able to hang onto their stock portfolios and ride the rally these past few years. As a result, the wealth gap widened even further as the bottom 90% had no skin in the game by the…
LOL @ Interest Rate Forecasts
That doozy of a quote about “modifying” a forecast with two months left in the year comes from Tom Lauricella’s WSJ on how wrong the bond bears have been on 2014 rates. I’m not sure it should still be called a forecast at all. I am reminded of Inigo Montoya’s admonition, “You keep using that…
Working Vacation
Coronado Island does not suck. I’m out at the Hotel Del Coronado once again – one of my favorite places in America – for my friend Howard Lindzon’s Stocktoberfest jamboree. This is my fourth or fifth appearance at the event, I almost never miss it. Over the next two days, I’ll be hanging with and…
This Week on TRB
Cartoon by Phil Hands, Wisconsin State Journal These were the most read posts on TRB this week, in case you missed them… Ten Insane Things We Believe On Wall Street Poster Children Chart o’ the Day: A look at the 12-month moving average Revenge of the mom and pop investors (Fortune) About my new column…
About my new column at Fortune Magazine
Two years ago I stopped contributing to all outside publications and chose to focus whatever time I had to write solely on The Reformed Broker. It’s worked out nicely and the site continues to build record page views, unique visitors, etc. And then I got the chance at my dream columnist gig – with Fortune…
Dawn of Def Jam: Rick Rubin Returns to His NYU Dorm Room
The new short film (9 minutes) from Rolling Stone hit Youtube this week. Heads will be into this history lesson for sure: Check out the full story below for more: Rolling Stone
Ten Insane Things We Believe On Wall Street
To outsiders, Wall Street is a manic, dangerous and ridiculous republic unto itself – a sort of bizarro world where nothing adds up and common sense is virtually inapplicable. Consider the following insane things that we believe on Wall Street, that make no sense whatsoever in the real world: 1. Falling gas and home heating…
the middle part
Cartoon by Harley Schwadron
The Death of the Blue Chip
My title above is only half-kidding. Because everytime Wall Street pronounces “The Death Of” anything, that’s pretty much when it starts working again. But there is an important point being made in a new article at the Wall Street Journal about the current state of some of our biggest stalwart stocks and their underlying businesses,…