Joshua M Brown

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…

My final post of the year for Fortune Magazine was just published… As we get closer to relegating 2014 to the history books, your local stock market guru most likely couldn’t be happier to see those books slammed shut. It’s been one of the worst years for investment decision-making on record, almost across the board….

Top @ReformedBroker Tweets of 2014

Here are the tweets you psychopaths faved and RT’d the most this year: Totally accurate. RT @charliespiering: Caption: “As a European this is how I imagine Americans have breakfast” — Downtown Josh Brown (@ReformedBroker) March 3, 2014 How determined is the Fed to keep asset prices elevated? They’re literally arresting bears on Wall Street. —…

My man.

I’ve gotten to meet and even befriend many of my biggest investing and market heroes over the last few years, but Art Cashin is at the top of the list. The preeminent NYSE trader and historian celebrates fifty – FIFTY! – years on the floor on December 30th. In the meanwhile, he’s seen his share of milestones…

This Changes Everything for Biotech

My friend Adam Feuerstein is out with a highly provocative piece on today about a new deal that could potentially change the entire drug pricing dynamic for the biotech sector… The exclusive hepatitis C pharmacy deal struck between Express Scripts (ESRX) and AbbVie (ABBV) is a serious, perhaps permanent, blow to the multi-year biotech…

This Week on TRB

Cartoon by Gary Varvel, Indianapolis Star These were the most read posts on TRB this week, in case you missed them…