Joshua M Brown
This Week on TRB
View from the new @cnbc San Francisco bureau A photo posted by Josh Brown (@downtownjoshbrown) on May 7, 2015 at 8:59am PDT These were the most read posts on the site this week, in case you missed it:
The Greatest Trick the Devil Ever Pulled
…was convincing investors that volatility and risk were the same thing. This idea that risk cannot truly be measured by looking at volatility (as measured by standard deviation) is well-trod territory in the financial blogosphere so I won’t go into it at length again. But I do feel as though more than half of all…
Kenny’s Epic Rant: Short Everything
Bund investors lose 25 years worth of yield in two weeks!
How safe is the “safe” portion of your portfolio? How thirsty were you about piling into safe assets at any price? Unfortunately, a lot of people may soon find out the harsh truth about overpaying for the perceived safety of US Treasurys and German Bunds. I’ll leave out JGBs from this discussion because those are in God’s…
The Smart Questions Clients Ask
How much will your financial advisory services cost me, all-in? What will the additional trading costs be, if any, to implement your strategy? What are the internal expenses of the funds you use, if any? What might the taxes on gains or income look like, on average? Are there costs associated with our transactions that I…
Headed West
Happy Cinco de Mayo! I’ll be celebrating from a preferred seat in economy class (story of my life) as I wing my way out to San Francisco aka The Big Easy. I think. It’s going to be a huge week packed full of meetings with Ritholtz Wealth Management clients and potential clients, some old friends…
The Circus of What’s Working Now
“Thanks for keeping my portfolio intact and not listening to me when I complained.”
Vanity Fair on set at Star Wars (Video)
The Revolution Will Be Periscoped
No Hot Links today as I have a packed morning and then I’m headed over for the 20th annual Ira Sohn Conference at Lincoln Center for the day (full agenda here, wait til you see this speaker lineup!). But I wanted to say a few things about Periscope, the new livestreaming social app that’s slowly…