Joshua M Brown

My Views on Gold: Setting the Record Straight

Gold prices are down almost 50% from their peak a few years ago and are now plumbing the depths of levels we haven’t seen since 2010. It’s been a slow-motion crash that’s engendered more defensive cognitive dissonance than any asset crash I’ve ever seen. Even the real estate and dot com people admitted when their…

The Value of $100, State by State

A hundred bucks isn’t really a hundred bucks in this country – at least not when you go to actually spend it on something. In San Francisco, for example, $100 only gets you $83 worth of stuff. This research has implications for the way we collect data to try to understand the national economy. The reality…

Stop the Presses: BlackRock has a Passive Index Outflow

The pendulum always swings too far in both directions. I would tell you the ratio of passive fund inflows to active fund inflows over the last few years but I can’t because the latter category would be a negative integer. Instead, I’ll just tell you that almost 100 cents of every dollar has gone into…