Joshua M Brown

Did Trump Just Get Woke?

Good afternoon, friends. A ray of sunlight has come into our lives today, as President Donald Trump has just repudiated and reversed all of the idiotic shit he’s been saying for two years about the global economy. I feel better right now. I must confess, Candidate Trump’s notions about currency manipulators and the primacy of…

Those other stocks

During the 22 years since 1970 in which foreign stocks won in the first quarter, they went on to beat the S&P 500 in 17 of them.

The New Model of Fund Company-Advisor Relations

Thought this little tidbit from this weekend’s Barron’s cover story on TIAA was worth passing on. In it, the firm details the type of engagement they’re going to use in order to increase their presence in the portfolios of financial advisors (as opposed to their retirement plan / annuity bread and butter). TIAA acquired Nuveen,…