Joshua M Brown

Where are we in the Banking Cycle?

The cross-currents that exist right now in the financials are astounding, both in their extremes and in the potential for multiple interpretations of risks/opportunities. Writing for RealMoney Silver this morning, Chris Atayan sums up where we are in the banking cycle perfectly: We are now solidly in the early stages of another financial services cycle. Financial markets…

Droppin' Knowledge: John Mauldin on Green Shoots

I’m going to give you the first paragraph of John Mauldin‘s latest Thoughts from the Frontline newsletter, and then I’m going to insist that you go read the rest when you get the time. Go to Google. Type in “green shoots.” In about a 10th of a second you will find 28,900,000 references. Scrolling through…

Vanderbilt: I'm a Hustla

On my first day of work in The Helmsley Building at 230 Park Avenue 9 years ago, I was told I was sitting where Cornelius Vanderbilt‘s old offices used to be.  I don’t know if this is true, but here are a few things about Vanderbilt that are: From the NYT Book Review of “The…

Hot Links: Jenna Lee, Madoff Secretary, Chrysler & Morgan Stanley

Hot Links for Weekend Reading Who was the luckiest financial blogger of the week?  My pal Stephen over at Wall Street Fighter visited with gorgeous and talented anchorwoman Jenna Lee of Fox Business for an interview, so you tell me! The investor class and all of institutional Wall Street was aghast at Obama‘s treatment of…

TGIF Market Recap: Salute Your Dilution

   [youtube=] The Reformed Broker, AKA Professor Plum, here with today’s Market Recap… Today’s won’t be a legit recap as I am out of the office early today on a secret Golfing assignment. The big news today was the post-stress test avalanche of secondary offerings from the banks. Shareholders can Salute their Dilution while jamming…

The Dinosaur Trader Says Goodbye…For Now.

One of my fave bloggers announced the closing of his site yesterday and I thought I’d reprint the note he put out to his loyal readers (I am one of them). From Dinosaur Trader: I’ve written this blog for over 2 years amidst the worst period in my 10-year trading career. It has been a…

This Just In: Wells Fargo Secondary Announced

Reuters just reported: 1869 RAS 08:12 WELLS FARGO & CO ISSUE TO RAISE $7.5 BLN- SOURCE =A3 1868 RAS 08:10 WELLS FARGO & CO TO SELL 341 MLN SHARES- SOURCE =A2 1867 RAS 08:10 WELLS FARGO & CO WFC PRICES STOCK ISSUE AT $22 PER SHARE Where did we hear that first? Oh, yeah…Doug Kass’s…

My Interview with Cody Willard

The good folks over at the Fox Business network reached out to me and asked if I’d be interested in talking to any of the personalities for this site.  I jumped at the opportunity to do a Q & A with Cody Willard, the host of Happy Hour, who’s also done some great writing for…

Market Recap: Stressin' the Test

[youtube=] The Reformed Broker, AKA Daniel Faraday, here with today’s Market Recap… You knew we were due.  The market was exhausted and needed a break.  Now the big question is whether or not that was the end of a massive bear market rally, or just the beginning of something else. I’m undecided, but I’ll work…