Links for boys and girls to enjoy.
Joshua M Brown
Today's Guilty Pleasure – The David Brooks Sunshine Lollipop Hour
Need a pick-me-up? David Brooks is your candyman.
The Age of the Rockstar Economist is (mercifully) Ending
Enough has been written on the failure of economics by those in a better position to critique the discipline than I am. I’ll simply state that Economist Punditry is the appendix of financial television – always there, normally harmless and almost completely ignored – until it explodes.
Hot Links: The Cheering Section
Some links for you this morning, guy.
Word of the day…
Liz Ann Sonders is Going With "V-Shaped"
The SchwAb strategist speaks with Blodget and Task about the recovery being more than meets the eye.
Release the Kraken: Bulls Need Energy Stocks to Join the Rally
Energy stocks have been slumbering deep beneath the suface of the ocean…so far.
Hot Links: Burma, Roosevelt and the Times Square Riot
Links, y’all.
Stock Wars Episode 8 – When Activists Fight Secular Decline
The latest episode of Stock Wars – now with 65% more Omega-3 Fatty Acids!
Your Cost of Doing Business Is Up 25%…Now Go Hire People
The un-stimulus of new taxes on small business owners of America.