Worst. Senate. Ever.
Joshua M Brown
Checking in with…
Updates on the Wheat Story and cool-headed trading in a strange tape.
If They'd Just Stop Making Unemployed People
Let’s dispense with the “employment is a lagging indicator” nonsense from your textbooks.
Hot Links: Obsolete Americans
HERE’S WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW! (just kidding, but the links are good)
Are Celebrities Their Own Worst Investing Enemies?
Swindlers have it easy when celebrities don’t even read their own statements.
Chicago Sean Battles The Prop Robots
Taking on HFT one slow trade at a time.
Wheat Does the Malthusian Shuffle
What’s all this commotion about wheat futures?
Hot Links: Millionaire City
Some great links for morning reading.
Neilsen: How We Spend Our Time Online
An infograph. No, it’s a different one. Because I’m tired, that’s why.
That 70's Show
Even though the 70’s gave birth to Star Wars, Paul McCartney’s work with Wings and that Farah Fawcett poster, we probably don’t want to repeat that stagflationary decade if we can help it.