Foreclosure mills, pension time bombs, negligence suits, bond fund downgrades – cheer up, it’s Monday!
Joshua M Brown
Barnes & Noble Brawl Goes Down on Tuesday
See me at the store, it’s goin’ down. Meet me at the mall, it’s goin’ down, etc.
Saturday Night Video: ADD SUV
A hot new track from Uffie featuring Pharrell.
Verizon iPhone: The 'Chinese Democracy' of Smartphones
The ludicrously drawn out will-they-or-won’t-they rumorfest that is the Verizon iPhone story never ends. The only parallel I can think of that does it justice in comparison is the 14 year wait for the Guns n’ Roses album “Chinese Democracy“. Oh, and SPOILER ALERT: by the time that record was actually released, no one cared…
Wall Street 3: Bloggers Never Shut Up
The next Wall Street sequel will probably be about financial bloggers. I’m working on the script now.
Upside Trader on the Tepper Rally
What moved the market higher yesterday? Upside knows.
We're Number One! America's Global Fatprint
Print this infograph out, dip it in ranch dressing, deep-fry it, then eat it.
$#*! My Debt Says
How your bond positions are weighted and chosen says a lot about how you feel about the economy and what your expectations are. Your fixed income is speaking for you.
Hot Links: Get Your Shine Box!
Links, kids. All killer, no filler.
Another Infograph from the Greenspan Fan Club
More infographs on the Maestro.