Yes, it’s happening again. Because people don’t learn, that’s why.
Joshua M Brown
Brandon Rowley's October Playbook
Trading Wall Street Investments – a real-deal blog about moving in the markets.
Dear Las Vegas,
An open letter to Sin City from America re: their un-recovering economy.
Hot Links: The Return of Agflation
Some of the best reading you’ll do today.
Saturday Night Video: Farm Aid 25th Anniversary Live Broadcast
Live now, the Farm Aid concert.
Where Do Rappers' Names Come From?
You know you’ve always wondered…
Cream of Corn
Farmer Brown here again. October is off to a brutal start for the farm commodities. Yesterday all of the agriculture contracts sold off hard after a blistering September rally – on average the soft commodities were down 2.8% on the session. But nothing compares to Friday’s drop in corn prices. The December 2011 Corn contract…
Waddell & Reed Also Kidnapped the Lindberg Baby, Shot JR Ewing
Waddell & Reed didn’t cause the Flash Crash any more than Waddell & Reed kidnapped the Lindberg Baby, shot JR Ewing on Dallas, took out Tupac in Las Vegas or stole the cookie from the cookie jar. They simply tripped the landmines that were already in place (and still are to this day).
Things I Learned Today…
Some answers.
Atrocity Du Jour: Enter the Robo-Signers
This actually goes on.