My taping of The Bullhorn today.
Joshua M Brown
Earnings Season Kicks Off with a Public Execution
A 2% revenue shortfall for Equinix leads to a 30% bludgeoning. Happy start to earnings season!
Hot Links: Reanimated!
Links for boys and girls of all ages to enjoy.
Unemployed MBA Students by College
The new, new economy has no room for more people trained only to flip paper back and forth.
Cash is a Call Option.
Just a reminder.
This is the Remix: Classic Wall Street Quotations for 2010
Your favorite classic Wall Street quotes, remixed for the modern world.
Hot Links: Mortgage Moron-torium
Some things to read this morning. Enjoy!
How Annoying is Your Email Signature?
Let’s relax a bit with those auto-sigs.
Thanks for Paying Your Taxes, Would You Like a Receipt?
An itemized receipt for taxes paid…good idea?
Decepticon Tradebots
Collect ’em All!