A look at the state of gld investing from the veteran financial journalist.
Joshua M Brown
Wall Street Comp as a Percentage of Revenue
Oddsmaker Picks Next Specialty Retailer Deal
Can a sports bookmaker apply their oddsmaking and handicapping skills to pick corporate takeovers?
Currency War!
An infograph, sort of.
QE 2: The Legend of Curly's Gold
So Bernanke gave this big speech in Boston this morning that all the bloggers were atwitter about. Here’s the gist so you can avoid all the ranting and raving.
Hot Links: Hang 'em High!
Back on my Links game, y’all.
Priced in Silver, Gold is Actually Down (and other nonsense)
The nursery school I send my kids to doesn’t require payment in silver.
College Dropouts and their Not-For-Profit Shareholders
The for-profit education sector now has a bunch of not-for profit shareholders.
Help Me! I'm Trapped in my Richard Russell Bunker!
If you’re reading this note, I desperately need your help. I am trapped in the underground bunker that I built in Upstate NY after reading Richard Russell’s warning this past May.
When the Levee Breaks
What happens when a half trillion dollars that has been shoe-horned into bond funds decides it’s getting a horrific return, sees the 10% rally in dividend-paying equities and decides to switch asset classes? Specifically, what happens to the stock market?