Izzy: “There is a destabilising force pounding its way through the global economy, generating untold chaos in its wake. You can’t see it, you can’t touch it, and you definitely can’t kill it. At best, you can scare it away (temporarily). Sometimes, if you’re lucky and it serves your interests, you can woo it back as well.” (FTAlphaville)
The Needle and the Damage Done – Greg Harmon on $SPY and the withdrawal of stimulus (DragonflyCapital)
Looking at past stock market drops for clues about this one. (USAToday)
The most important chart for corrective markets – how much upside is required to make back your losses? (ZorTrades)
You don’t even know how bad the fourth quarter was for Big Oil. (MoneyBeat)
Are ETFs to blame for the rapid ripping-out of capital from the emerging markets? (FT)
How Thomson Reuters is mining financial data from Twitter. (TechCrunch)
The amazing true story of how Jack Bogle failed, lost his job, and then had the epiphany that would change investing forever. (RickFerri)
Rob Bennett on the differences between buy-and-hold and “valuation-informed” indexing (ValueWalk)
I’m a New York City-based financial advisor at Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC. I help people invest and manage portfolios for them. For disclosure information please see here.
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