Gavyn Davies: Why did Bernanke change his mind? (FT)
Bernanke as Wile E. Coyote, QE3 as the latest ACME product. (Alhambra)
Dent vs Levkovich on whether demographics will doom or boost stocks this decade. (BusinessWeek)
Happy first birthday to Occupy Wall Street! May your aimless and unstructured venting be met with the the full faith and support of homeless rapists everywhere! (TheAtlantic)
Commodity prices collapse threatening the Australian economy. What’s the opposite of G’Day? B’Day? Thanks, mate. (Bloomberg)
Three simple moving average trading strategies for ETFs. (ETFdb)
Rodman & Renshaw, Disneyland for Private Placements, slips below net capital requirements. Uh oh. (InvestmentNews)
Jason Zweig on “Buckets of Money” advisor Ray Lucia. (WSJ)
How Nordstrom is anticipating the next 30 years of retailing. (USAToday)
At the Summer Davos – and yes, there is such a thing – the rich and powerful are much more worried about China than Europe. (TheEconomist)
Why Avett Brothers and the rest of the young’uns still can’t hold a candle to Dylan. (Grantland)
Director PT Anderson’s huge evolution from Boogie Nights to The Master over the last 15 years. (TheAtlantic)
You do not want to miss The Big Picture Conference in NYC this October, speaker list here: (TBP)
Don’t miss my daily linkfest for financial advisors this morning! (WSJFA)
I’m a New York City-based financial advisor at Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC. I help people invest and manage portfolios for them. For disclosure information please see here.
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