Michael and I talked about some surprise trends for 2021 we’re thinking about and a whole lot of other stuff on this week’s What Are Your Thoughts. Subscribe to the channel so you never miss the new episode coming out.

And on this weekend’s new podcast (listen above or find your fave app here), I had Patrick O’Shaughnessy on to tell us why custom indexing is the next investing mega-trend. Having spent the last year allocating clients into custom index portfolios, I believe he’s right. And I think 2021 will be the tipping point where it becomes apparent to everyone else.

LAST but not least – our first ever trading simulator game, Beat the Compound, launches on January 4th. You can claim your username name and get started on selecting your trades. It’s going to be fun and educational. Ben, Michael and I are very excited to play! Register here, it’s free.
These are the top posts on the site this week, in case you missed it:
- Meet Bob, the World’s Worst Market Timer (TRB)
- Interview with this year’s best active manager, Cathie Wood (TRB)
- We Must Give More Relief To Americans For The Fake Virus I Said Would Disappear On Its Own (TRB)
- Beat the Compound! A Simulated Stock Trading Game Coming in January! (TRB)
- Custom Indexing is a Tidal Wave Coming at the Investment Business (TRB)