Just wanted to say a quick thank you to you guys for checking out the podcast this weekend. This episode is on pace to be the biggest one yet, and it’s because of you! We broke 500,000 downloads late this summer overall and then almost immediately broke 600,000! Thank you! Keep listening and tell your friends about it. I’m planning some cool stuff for this format.
Michael and I played a new round of What Are Your Thoughts this past week. Moving the show from a biweekly to a weekly schedule wasn’t something I felt very certain about, but Michael and our producer Duncan felt strongly that we should give it a shot. We’re already doing all the research and writing for clients and our blogs anyway, so it’s not as though there’s not enough to talk about. We’re also hearing from a lot of clients who would prefer to watch for 20 minutes rather than spending hours reading all the stuff we’re writing each week.
Anyway, the experiment was a success, viewership is growing and I have so much fun interactive with you guys live during the premieres. So we’re keeping it weekly, every Tuesday after the close. Subscribe here and they’ll blast you an email when the next episode is about to drop.

I took this pic yesterday in the early evening. This is one of the very greatest times of year here on Long Island – sun without humidity, breeze without chill, the boys are back on the baseball field, the kids are back in school (sort of) and football is back on TV. Cherishing every moment of it. Hope you are too. The tequila is my new favorite, Grand Mayan Ultra Aged Anejo. Ultra or Extra anejo means it’s been aged for more than 3 years, a relatively new category of tequila. It comes in a handcrafted ceramic bottle made by Mexican artisans and retails for an extremely reasonable $72 around here. Give one of these as a gift or walk into a party with one in your hand and the compliments will be endless. The orange garnish sets off the vanilla and caramel notes and your mouth is in heaven. Trust your boy on this stuff.
These were the most read posts on the site this week in case you missed it:
- What if he doesn’t leave? (TRB)
- A Tale of Two Semis (TRB)
- the whole story (TRB)
- Berkshire in Techland (TRB)
- 7 Summers Ago (TRB)