“We’re gonna need to add another table.”
We brought 25 employees to Austin, Texas week for our inaugural corporate offsite this week.
As a fast-growing firm with employees located from Portland to Charlotte, from New Orleans to Chicago, we’re very mindful of how important it is to get everyone together and make sure we’re all on the same page. Having all the various teams from regions around the country collide for this three day event felt a little like Ritholtz Infinity Wars, seeing all the Avengers assembled in one place absolutely blew my mind.

Catalina, Nick and Matt at JFK
There’s a saying in our industry that goes “Standardize the service, personalize the advice,” and I believe this is the most important thing once you’ve gotten the culture right and have hired the best people. So we did sessions about the client experience, the various workflows within the firm, how operations and admin support the clients and client-facing advisors and ironing out the technological wrinkles that exist between our few dozen software providers.

Head of Ops Erika, aka the Jenga Queen of Austin
At night, we had fun and did some hardcore bonding over food, drink, music and games.
Everyone got on beautifully, and this is so, so key for a firm that’s built on teamwork and the cross-pollination of skills and ideas. Kris and Colleen did an amazing job with the planning and itinerary for this trip. We didn’t lose anyone, not even during the Colorado River cruise 🙂

Chairman Barry gives the closing toast and shares some incredible firm milestones at Lambert’s BBQ
Professionally speaking, I’ve never been happier or more fulfilled with what I’m doing, and I never dreamed in a million years that I would have a group like this to work with every day.

Hi, Alex
Austin is an amazing city, I posted some more photos of our adventure below…

Jonathan, Anna and Colleen from RWM Chicago

That look on Brian’s face is satisfaction. We think.

Watching Tony walk around ATX safeguarding this box of donuts was a personal highlight for me.

Kris and Mike fit in perfectly.


Some of the houses we saw from the water were unbelievable, had no idea any of this was here.

Coincidentally, my friend’s son was playing his own headlining stage show at the legendary blues hall, Antone’s, so we all got tickets and went out to see him. You can read this thing I wrote about Ben here: I think I know what we’re supposed to do

Nick gives the content creators an impromptu master class in SEO – with Michael, Barry, me, Ben, Blair and Tadas.

Hanging with Joey.

We did a tour and a few client experience sessions at Dimensional Fund Advisors HQ.
Thanks for checking these out. If you’re an advisor who believes in putting the client first, evidence-based investing and the power of teamwork, you should be talking to us. We’re expanding across the country and we need your help. Go here and get the next chapter of your career started today.
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